An ergonomic assessment is an assessment of the employee working at their workstation(s) using the equipment needed to complete their work.
The aim is to enable a better ‘fit’ between the worker, the workstation and environment in order to improve performance, well-being, safety and health.
The presenting health concern (injury, pain, fatigue etc.) will be assessed through interview and observation of the employee. The job demands of the role and other factors, such as production quotas, will be considered.
An ergonomic assessment is helpful when the employee is managing demands of the job, but symptoms such as pain, achiness and numbness are increasing when completing work related tasks. Consultation with the manager and/or liaison with the employee’s medical specialist will be included in the assessment process.
Ergonomic solutions will be recommended to optimise the employee’s safety, health and comfort while they work. The recommendations made may include specific ergonomic seating, workstation equipment such as a specialised mouse and suggested modifications to the existing workstation. The employee will be provided with advice on how to best manage their condition in the workplace during the assessment.
“Pauline provided a detailed, insightful and informative OT report assessing the client’s functional capacity whilst identifying the challenges the client was experiencing in his day to day working life, due to a chronic debilitating neurological condition. Pauline made practical and pragmatic recommendations to address the issues identified.”
Dr Mary McMahon, Consultant Occupational Physician, HealthWorks Ltd.